Wane Wellness

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Exploring Mental Health in Student Athletes

Unveiling the Invisible Struggles


Imagine being a student-athlete, where every sprint, jump, or throw is watched and critiqued. The pressure is immense, and yet, there's an even bigger challenge that often stays hidden - mental health. In my experience, both on the playing field and in therapy sessions, I've seen how student-athlete mental health is a topic many shy away from. The culture within sports, especially among elite athletes, doesn't always encourage open discussions about feelings of anxiety or depression. This silence can increase risk, making the journey even harder for those struggling.


Suffering in Silence

At Johns Hopkins, evidence suggests that young athletes are particularly vulnerable, not just to the physical demands of playing sports but also to mental health symptoms. However, prioritizing mental health is still a challenge. The stigma around these issues is real, and it often prevents athletes from seeking the help they need. Recognizing signs of anxiety early and addressing them is crucial, yet many athletes continue to suffer in silence, fearing judgment or misunderstanding from coaches, teammates, and fans such as the anger toward Simone Biles in the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo.

Acknowledge my Struggle

The center of this struggle is not just about managing sport schedules or academic demands; it's about acknowledging that mental well-being is as critical as physical health. Too often, we hear stories of athletes pushing through pain, but the invisible struggles - the mental battles - are just as significant. Creating a supportive environment, like here at Wane Wellness, where athletes can openly discuss their mental health without fear of stigma is essential.

Changing the Narrative

So, what does this mean for us as a community? It means advocating for and implementing resources that support student-athlete mental health. It's about changing the narrative to understand that it's okay to not be okay, and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. (“Canadian Podcast with ZAK (@canadianpodcast) - Instagram”) Let's work together to make mental health a priority in sports, ensuring our athletes are supported both on and off the field.


Welcome to Wellness

This blog will cover topics related to childhood through adulthood. This also includes all the life stages along the way on this journey of life. Thank you for the last approximately 130 seconds of your life that you spent here with me reading this blog post.

Wane Wellness works with children, adolescents, adults, parents, couples and families. One specialty in my practice is my work with athletes. Mental health counseling for athletes is an extremely rewarding experience and I have been able to collaborate with athletes of all ages.

I invite you to learn more about Wane Wellness here. For the more social, I can be found on most platforms @wanewellness.


Canadian Podcast with ZAK (@canadianpodcast) - Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/canadianpodcast/.